Sunday, October 11, 2015

Children's Discovery Bible Club October 2015

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12

Good morning, dear friends,

Yesterday was our first Bible club for the 2015-2016 school year.  It was a false-start kind of beginning, since our first official club was cancelled, so it was good to see the kids again and to get started after a very busy back to school.  We are so thankful that some of the kids who faithfully attended last year came back for another start with us!

This year we are going through the story of Pilgrim's Progress with them, using materials that I developed for Family Camp this summer.  For my kids, who already did the lessons with me, this is more a revision for them, so I am having my sons help me act out the story time by playing the roles of Christian, and the others Christian meets in his journey!  They did great and had a great time helping out.

Our faithful coworker Damaris is such a blessing in the work here.  This week she prepared the snack (homemade apple cupcakes from the apples from her yard--yummy) and led the singing.  Afterwards, she taught the children one of our favorite games here--SPOONS.  If you've never played, it's a lot of fun and really gets the kids moving.

As always, our time goes by too quickly as we realize that there is so much for these children to learn about God, and so little time in which to do it.  We are very thankful for each opportunity to share God's truths with these little ones.  As we journey with Christian during this school year, our prayer is that other children will see the need to begin their journey with God as well.

Thanks for being our faithful prayer warriors!  See you in two weeks!

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