Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Back to...School?

"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

Good morning, dear friends,
First day of ninth, seventh and fifth grades

Today's the day...

I have three smiling, happy faces headed for their first days of ninth, seventh and fifth grades today...

OK, well, Juliana is in her second week of homeschooling, Timothy doesn't actually start until this afternoon/tomorrow, and Joshua is not that excited about going back, but at least today is the day.

Let the crazy roller coaster begin...

My kids ask me periodically when they will finish school (how many more years until they're done.)  With joy and a touch of Mom-reality, I often tell them:


And herein is the problem with much of our modern teaching about learning:  It does not stop, just because there are no more tests to take, no more textbooks to read, no more projects to finish. The more I grow, the more I discover, how much I do not know, and how much I have forgotten about what I did know.

This is especially true for my walk with the Lord.

At the beginning of each school year, I usually share 2 Timothy 2:15 with my family:  "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."  It wasn't until I was preparing this verse for our French blog that I mined some new truths out of this verse, that the Lord showed me especially this morning:

"Study...": to give diliberate effort or labour in an attempt for accomplishment.  This makes me think of the Southern expression, "I'll study on it," meaning that a person will think about the problem from all angles and find the best solution.

"...to shew thyself approved..."  to be acceptable or tried.  My deliberate efforts have a goal...and that is to be acceptable in this life, and in the next.

"...to God..." He alone judges my worthiness.  If I am living with any other person or goal in mind, my efforts are not wasted, but definitely not for my best.  I want to be acceptable in God's eyes first and foremost.

"...a workman that needeth not be ashamed..."  This should be my aim:  a labourer for God, that is irreproachable in conduct, by God's standard.

"...rightly dividing the worth of truth."  to "make a straight cut" or "dissect" God's Word.  How will I be able to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord, and be acceptable in His sight?  By knowing and living God's Word.

This school year is already off and running, and we have barely begun.  There will certainly be many lessons to learn, all along the way.  May God help me to remember that I am studying every day with the greatest goal in mind:  to be a pleasing and acceptable instrument in God's hands.  May that be my motivation for today, as I open the books and get cracking...

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