Saturday, December 26, 2015

Twas the Morning After Christmas

"Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee..." Isaiah 60:1

Twas the morning after Christmas, when all through the house,
It's quiet at last for the Mom, save the click of her mouse.
The stockings that were hung by the chimney with care,
Now lay next to the tree on the floor that is bare.

The children all sleeping, cuddled next to their toys,
Their hearts filled to overflowing with this year's latest joys.
And Mamma with her coffee, and a cat in her lap,
Asks herself the question:  "Is it too early for a nap?"

When up the stairs there arose with a clatter,
Noisy children!  She springs up to see what was the matter?
Away to the stairwell, with haste she then fretted :
"Don't make me come up there, or you will regret it!"

When all was then quiet, the Mom settled in,
And began counting all her Christmas blessings again.
When there in the Bible, God's promise she sees
in Isaiah, chapter sixty, verses one through verse three.

"Arise, and shine, for thy light has come!" 
is a message for all, not a message for some.
The work God began that first Christmas Day,
Is more than a baby nestled "asleep in the hay."

Those words are a promise, in a land oh so stark,
Of a radiant presence that bursts through the dark.
It's a message of hope, to all those lost in sin,
Of a God who was willing to welcome them again.

"The glory of the Lord is risen upon thee!"
God's presence with man, as a tiny baby.
And though for many Christmas Day is already done,
The reason for it, is the miracle of one:

One God, who loved His creation so completely,
That He sent His one Son in a form that so neatly
Expressed for the people His one message of grace.
One God, dressed as man, dying for one human race.

Though this year's celebration is over and done,
God's working with man has only begun.
The light that was birthed on that first Christmas Day,
Still shines forth today, calling men to the Way.

Yes, Jesus is that Way, that Truth, and that Life.
And those who will come will finish their strife,
And relive again, no longer dark and dispondant, 
But partaking of a life overflowing and abundant.

Twas the morning after Christmas!  The celebration continues!
Let us walk in the light of that first Christmas venue!
Let us share with our neighbors, our family, our friends,
The hope of this day, and God's love without end!

Susan Abbett, with sincerest apologies to Clement Clarke Moore

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Service for Others, or Service for Christ?

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24

Good morning, dear friends,

Christ in Christmas, sounds simple enough, right?

Until the demands of the season outweigh the time, and the energy, that a normal mom (like me) should have to bear.

After all, who is the one who wraps the presents?  Bakes the cookies?  Decorates?  Plans Christmas meals and grocery shopping?  Cleans up after all the stuff is unwrapped?  Puts together the toys with a zillion tiny pieces too small for even my children's fingers?

(OK, the last one is my husband's job.)

Not to mention all of the normal chores and necessities that need to be done in the first 24 days of the month.

Sound familiar?

Photo: moritz320 pixabay

I'm sure that I'm not the only Mom that gets overwhelmed this time of year, in the service of others during the holidays.  Of course, I am glad to be able to love on my family and friends and serve them in the most practical ways, but there are times when I get caught up in all the service, that I lose sight of WHOM I am serving.

So, before that overwhelmed, "why me?" whine begins to whisper its voice in my head, I want to refocus my thoughts RIGHT NOW.

Instead of "why me?" in a pitiful, pampered, spoiled child voice, maybe I need to find a different tone.

Why would God be willing to give up His only Son, for me?

Why would Jesus leave the splendors of heaven, for me?

Why would Jesus "make himself of no reputation," for me?

Why would others be willing to take the gospel to great lengths (or across the street), for me?

"Why me?" is not always a bad question to ask.

When it comes to my service for others this holiday season, may I be constantly reminded of the WHO of my service.  My family and friends may receive some benefit for my efforts, but ultimately, my service should be directed not to others, but to the Lord.

"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." Colossians 3:23-24

Every act that my brain conceives should be an act of service, first to the Lord.

Every task that my hands undertake, should be for His glory and honor.

Every step that my feet take, whether during the holidays or everyday, should be first and foremost toward Him, and then in loving service for others.  

"For ye serve the Lord Christ..."

This holiday will be busy.  December is always a busy month.  If I am not careful, my eyes will constantly turn away from the Lord toward all the distractions and "busy-ness" of the season.

May every act that I undertake this month be an act of loving service first toward my Lord.

(Just a disclaimer:  I have a great family that helps me out in every way imaginable.  The rants above are just those lies that Satan whispers.  We have all been there, right?)

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Keeping Christmas?

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.  For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds." Hebrews 12:2

Good morning, dear friends!
Photo: falco pixabay

I have a confession to make.  (It seems like I do a lot of that here--oh well, you heard it here first!  Just trying to keep it real!)

Are you ready?

I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas.

(Collective gasp!)

How can that even be possible?

Is it possible for a Christian to feel -ish about Christmas?  After all, this is the birth of my Saviour that we are talking about here!

Before you start throwing things at me, let me explain.

I LOVE the reason for Christmas.  I love the carols and songs that announce Christ's birth.  I love the time spent thinking about God's love, His amazing gift, Jesus's sacrifice for my sins, and the thought that God came to live WITH His creation.  All of that makes me want to sit down and cry and shout and everything in-between.

The part of Christmas that leaves me feeling a little less fuzzy is...all the rest.  Every year, there are traditions that are carried out, that have become routine.  Setting up the tree.  Christmas stockings.  Even reading the Christmas story and gift giving can become, well, routine, if I'm not careful.

So, as I'm gearing up for the Christmas season, and thinking about our family's traditions, I want my Christmas this year to be anything but traditional.

Many people talk this time of year about "keeping Christ in Christmas." Let's face it--if you're going to have a holiday named after someone, shouldn't that day be all about that person?

Perhaps the problem isn't so much keeping Christ in Christmas, but just in keeping Christ in the forefront...period.  Just like I shouldn't only be thankful on Thanksgiving, I'm sure that Christ would appreciate it if "God with us" was a reality in my day-to-day walk with Him.

This month, if you will allow me, I want to share some of my "Christmas struggles" with you.  As we approach the Christmas season, maybe you are having some -ish thoughts about Christmas as well.  Maybe I can find encouragement this year to have a fresh look at my attitude during this holiday season ("holy-day"=set-apart days) and spend some time in meaningful worship of the Lord.

As I was thinking about the phrase, "keeping Christ in Christmas," the passage quoted at the top of this blog came to mind.  Many times as a Christian I have read Hebrews 12:1 and been encouraged by the great cloud of witnesses that have lived faithfully in difficult times.  At the same time, I realize that their struggles are very different from the life of relative safety that I lead here in France.  Sometimes I think that a little tribulation might be just what I need to walk closer and more faithfully for Him.

(Be careful what you wish for.)

At the same time, many times I skim over the instructions in Hebrews 12:2:  "...looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."  That is my "raison d'être," my reason for being, as the French say.  My eyes need to be firmly planted on Him.  Everything through Him is possible.  Without Him, nothing is possible.  It is not I who should be in the center, but He.

As I rethink my Christmas traditions and living this holiday season, I want to look afresh at my focus.  Do I really desire to "look unto Jesus," or am I going through the motions in empty ritual?

I hope you will join me through my musings for this month.  I would love to hear how you keep the Christmas season meaningful in your home.  Feel free to leave a comment in the section below.

Looking for something interesting to do with your family this Christmas season?  There's a fun family countdown devotional to Christmas called The Promises Advent Study with a coloring book available from Stone Soup for Five.  (I'm not much of a doodler, but I'm excited about revisiting the promises of Christ's coming in a new way.)  To find this advent devotional, visit their site!  There are many other interesting resources as well!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Encouraging One difficult times

"And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven..." (Nehemiah 1:4)

Photo: geralt pixabay
Good morning, dear friends,

As we are entering into the holiday season, I know that for many of us, the holidays bring mixed emotions.  While we may be rejoicing and enjoying the close ties with family and friends near and those who travel from far, there is a twinge of sadness as well.  There are those who are no longer present at our holiday tables, those who will no longer be there to open gifts or share in holiday traditions.

There are also those who are separated by distance from families and loved ones, like our military personnel, and yes, the missionaries.  So, while we are all celebrating and enjoy the blessings of entering into another holiday season, I take a moment to be thankful...for those who think of others.

I'm thankful for the encouragers.  You know who you are.  You write us notes, to tell us you are praying for us.  You send us church bulletins and updates from your ministries.  You send us cards for our birthdays, and packages for Christmas.  You hold our family up in prayer.  Thank you for your sacrifices for those of us who serve the Lord here.

May we be reminded to reach out to others who are much closer by.  This holiday season, let's be encouragers, to those who are hurting through the holidays.

I have been so encouraged reading through Nehemiah these past few days.  What a daunting task he faced, and what a tender heart the Lord gave him through this project.  Here are a few of my "gleanings" from the beginning of the book.

Nehemiah already had a burden for God's people.  Nehemiah may have been far removed physically from the Jerusalem and the Jewish people left there, but that didn't mean that he had forgotten about them. As soon as someone came from Jerusalem, his heart was burdened for the welfare of those left behind:  "That Hanani, one of my brethren, came, he and certain men of Judah, and I asked them concerning the Jews that had escaped, which were left of the captivity, and concerning Jerusalem." (Nehemiah 1:2)  People who are great encouragers care about the needs of other people.  How do we know how to fully enter into the sufferings of someone else, if we stay ignorant of their condition?  To fully encourage others, we need to stay informed of their current situation.

Nehemiah was moved when he heard about the sufferings of God's people.  When we truly love God's people like God does, our hearts should not be unmoved at the sufferings of others.  Hanani related how the "remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire." (Nehemiah 1:3) What was Nehemiah's reaction to this news? "And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven..." (Nehemiah 1:4)  May God help us always to have a tender heart toward those in difficult times, especially those in the household of faith.

Nehemiah's burden for God's people resulted in fervent prayer.  So many times when we hear about great needs, especially the needs of God's people and those closest to us, our first reaction is, "What can I do?"  Then, in a flurry of activity, we create a program, tell the church, announce our burden on Facebook, and get busy "doing."  Nehemiah's heart was burdened, and while he does "get busy," first he gets down...on his knees, to the Lord.  His prayer to God will be the subject for tomorrow's post, but before taking action, he was reminded to talk to the One who has everything in control:  God.  All my best efforts, even when properly motivated and well-meaning, will fall short if God is not leading them.

Nehemiah's burden for others is such an example of Christian love in action.  He heard about a need, was moved in his heart, and then took the burden that the Lord laid on his heart back to the Lord in prayer.  How can I be an encouragement to others, today?
  • Listen.  Sometimes we think that people don't really want to talk about their problems.  What people don't want, is to feel like they are not really being heard.  To listen to others means to put aside our own concerns, even our desire to "fix" the problem, and just listen.  How many times I have been encouraged, when someone (usually my husband) takes the time to "hear me out."  It may take some false starts, pauses, tears, and time, but listening is the first step to understanding the problems of others.
  • Listen...with God's ears.  Sometimes someone else's sufferings may not seem like a "big deal" in our eyes, but they are very real to the person who is sharing. Ask God to give you a burden to "hear" the need of the person who is going through a rough time.  Pray and ask God to help you "enter into" the sufferings of the person, and give you compassion for their need.
  • Pray before speaking or acting.  How many times have I "opened mouth, inserted foot," because I spoke too hastily or without praying?  If only I will slow down, my words will be God's words.  Only then can I bless, and know what I should say.

May God help each one of us, to be His encouragers during this holiday season, and everyday.

Who are the encouragers in your life?  Feel free to leave a comment below.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Children's Discovery Club November 2015

"All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all."  Isaiah 53:6

Good morning, dear friends!

So much has happened this past weekend that I was having a hard time getting everything done, so this post is a little late!  Thank you so much for praying so faithfully for our Bible club!  It has been a few weeks since we last had one, because of some very busy kids!  It seems like the kids in France have a much bigger social life than I ever had growing up!  We're thankful for familiar faces, and for the promise of more guests to come!

Of course, Bible club is not complete without snack time.  Some of the kids have said that the snack time is their favorite part!  This week was chocolate covered waffles, provided by our coworker Damaris!  Can you say, yum?

We are journeying with Christian from the story Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan.  This week we joined Christian as he finally made it to the Place of Deliverance, and his burden of sin fell off and rolled away. (I think I scared the kids when Christian's burden went sailing out the window!) What a blessed reminder that Jesus takes my sins away, and all I have to do to become His child is to accept the free gift He offers me. 

The children always listen well, and eat well, and play well!  Classic games never get old!  Damaris led us in a game of Pictionary to review the big ideas from the lesson.  It's always fun to see how the kids draw even the simplest of ideas!

At the end of the club, we began our practice for our Christmas play for this year.  We will be singing in English, a first for our group this year, and learning a Christmas poem.  Hope that the families of our children will come and participate as well.

If you are looking for Joshua's new friend, James, you will not see him here.  Unfortunately, he had to cancel at the last minute, but his mom was very apologetic on the telephone.  Maybe next club you will meet Joshua's Canadian friend, who is also a Christian!

See you in two weeks for the next club!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015 Troubled Times

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

Photo: pixabay

Good morning, dear friends,

Is it really possible to find true peace?

There is no doubt that these are troubling times for so many.  Since Friday night here in France, peace has become almost an illusion.  People are going through the motions, trying to find their footing in their daily lives, trying to reassure each other, their children, and themselves that the worst is behind us.

As retalliatory strikes continue, the word "war" is on many people's lips.  The government poses for war, and the people wonder if peace will return to our land.

(This is, after all, the first goal of the terrorists:  no one, anywhere, should feel like a safe place.)

This is not the first, and certainly not the last, time that France will be confronted with trouble within its borders.  As Christians, it is easy to get caught up in the media frenzy and forget who is TRULY in charge.

And He promises to give us peace.

1.  Jesus promises His peace to His children.  "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27) The peace that Jesus gives us is very different from anything the government can promise or man can deliver.  Jesus's peace comes directly from God's hands.  God does not change with politics, or human reasoning, or the face of the enemy in front of us.  God's peace is an eternal one.  Circumstances cannot change it, because our present circumstances have no effect on a God who is Everywhere, All Powerful, and Knows All.

2.  Jesus promises His peace in the direst of circumstances.  When Jesus spoke the words recorded in John 14, He was just hours away from being delivered into the hands of wicked men who would take Him to the cross.  He was preparing Himself to suffer the cruellest of deaths, for the sins of others.  And yet, He still promised peace to His children.  "Ye have heard how I said unto you, I go away, and come unto you. If ye loved me, ye would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.  And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe." (John 14:28-29)  The peace that Jesus gives is sufficient, even during the most difficult of times, because He is God.  Nothing takes Him by surprise, even His own death.

3.  Jesus promises His peace, in spite of all Satan's attacks.  After giving this promise to His disciples, Jesus reassures them that even Satan does not have the authority to keep us from having His peace:  "Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me." (John 14:30) When Jesus went to the cross, and accepted His role as Lord and Saviour, Jesus procured peace for all mankind, once and for all.  Satan cannot take away this peace:  it is an eternal peace between us and God, and the promise of a peace which "passeth all understanding" and that will "keep your hearts and minds through Christ-Jesus." (Philippians 4:7) 

I do not know what new surprises this day will have in store.  I know there will be troubles, and heartaches, and many more things that are just too hard for me to understand.

I can rest assured, that God is in control, and that His greatest desire is for me to trust Him, and find peace for today.

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Go Troubled Times

"Go ye to all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15) 

Photo: bykst pixabay
Good morning, dear friends,

There is so much going on in the news lately that my mind is reeling from it all.  So many tragedies, so many people hurting, and so many decisions and reactions being made, that it is hard to keep up with all that is happening in our world today.

There has been senseless violence, and there have been retalliations.  There have been declarations of war, and there have been people caught in the middle.

There are those who are leaving violence, only to be met with more violence as they seek a place of refuge.

Yes, I realize this is a delicate subject, and I will tread lightly.

In this moment when many people's emotions are running the gamut from outrage to disbelief, from crushing sadness to desire for revenge, maybe it's just time to stand back and take a deep breath.

(Insert deep breath here.)

I am still learning that when I am emotionally upset, or tired, or fed-up, it is never the right time to make a decision. (In fact, my husband and children appreciate it when I don't.)  Any decision, albeit great or small, can have long range consequences. Usually, after a moment's rest, or a full night's sleep, I am able to see the big picture more clearly, so that I can seek the Lord's help and wisdom.

Today, as a flurry of decisions are being made that will affect many people's lives, many forever, it is more than time to pause, and seek God's wisdom.  And while my heart is still unsure about many of the problems the recent violence has created, I want to add another thought to our mental landscape.

As a church, we applaud missionaries who are willing to give up their physical and spiritual comforts and venture out as a result of God's call to their lives.  God's command is anchored in our hearts, as well it should be:  "Go ye to all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." (Mark 16:15)

And so, we send out missionaries to difficult places, dangerous places, places that are gospel-hardened and cynical, places where people are impoverished, desperate, and take advantage of the missionary and his generosity.

It is easy to say, "You go."

What will be our reaction when God says, "Here they come?"

Syria is a "closed country" to the gospel.  To enter Syria as a missionary is an impossible task, as is the case with many Islamic states.  It is a country ravaged by war and terror and everything we as Americans try to keep at a distance, far from our borders.

What if God is allowing the present situation as an overture to an unprecedented worldwide revival that will start in our backyards and spread across the globe? What if, instead of individual missionaries spending sometimes up to 5 years in deputation to reach their needed support level to leave for their fields, God is sending the mission field to us?  To our cities?  To our schools?  To our neighborhoods?

Will we be willing to go, even if it means that our own security may be threatened, our lives inconvenienced, our schedules disrupted?

As I have been thinking about these recent events and the reactions toward them, I have been rethinking my reaction to the Great Commission.

1.  God's command was given in difficult times.  The passage in Mark that records the Great Commission was given as the disciples were still digesting the recent events that had happened in their lives.  Jesus had been crucified, raised from the dead, and many were struggling with their own concerns about the future, their own security and their role in this new ministry.  There is never going to be an "easy" time to obey God's commands.  God promises the grace we need to help us obey the calling He gives each of us: "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9) This grace is given to all who desire to live for God, for the missionary on the field, as well as those who are living in a land of relative peace.  God will give us the grace to obey, if we are willing to go.

2. God's command was given at a time when the disciple's faith was tested.  Mark 16:14, the verse preceding the Great Commission in this passage, gives a glimpse into the disciples' state: "Afterward he (Jesus) appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them, which had seen him after he was risen."  The disciples were still reeling with the news of Jesus's ressurrection, and what that would mean for their lives.  As Christians, we have been given to responsability to share the good news of God's new life with those around us.  Are we truly convinced in our hearts of the message we say we believe?  If Christ's ressurrection is as important a message as we say it is, shouldn't we be willing to share it with as many people as possible?

3.  God's command was given to all, for all.  As Christians, we acknowledge that God's commission was given to all Christians, not just missionaries and pastors.  All Christians are commanded to go, whether to our neighbors and family members, or to countries far away.  If those same people are "sent" to us, are we not called to go to them as well?  The phrase,"...into all the world..." was not given for us to decide who is worthy of receiving the good news of God's love, or not.  If God's love is for "all the world," then we need to be willing to share it with "all the world." Will it mean sacrifices, maybe hardships, maybe being taken advantage of, or even at our own personal risk?  Perhaps, but this is God's command for us to obey.

Whether or not political leaders decide to allow refugees into our country is NOT a decision over which I will have much control.

MY reaction toward the refugees, however, is my concern.

Will I allow myself to be caught up in the noise and confusion brought about by the present events in my life, or will I reach out to others with the good news that someone took the time to share with me?

Monday, November 16, 2015

Fear Not

"And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows." Luke 12:4-7 

Good morning, dear friends,
Photo: geralt pixabay

Monday morning is on us again, but for many in France, it is still Friday night.

The scenes from this weekend's atrocities are playing in a loop on news feeds as folks relive the dramatic bombings in Paris.  The official count holds at around 130 dead and more than double who are seriously wounded in the hospital.

France as a nation is hurting.

And yet, somehow today, people must send their children off to school, return to work, and move past Friday and their fears for the future.

Fear is a terrible thing.  Terrorists recognize it as their greatest weapon, because of the effects fear produces in our entire being.  It paralyzes us from taking positive action. It robs our minds of our sense of peace and well-being.  It keeps us from sleeping.  It keeps us from concentrating and focusing on what is truly important in life.  It produces dependance on alcohol and drugs.  It is highly contageous and very hard to stop, once it has taken root in our lives.

Is it any wonder, the number of times God in His Word reminds His people, not to fear?

Others have taken the time to count the number of times "Fear not..." is mentioned in Bible, and the number has come out to 365 times, or one for everyday.  (Many of these uses of "Fear not..." are not ones that many Christians would want to apply to their lives.)

The fact that God tells us ONCE not to fear should be enough to last us a lifetime.  

At the end of our church service yesterday, our coworker shared the passage in Luke quoted at the top of this blog.  If ever there is a time to be reminded about fear, it is the day in which we live.  Here are some thoughts that came as I meditated these verses this morning.

1.  Our present circumstances do not take God by surprise.  God knew what was going to happen in Paris on Friday night, just as He knew what would happen on 9/11 and the many other horrific events that have taken place in human history.  The question, "Why would a loving God allow such tragedies to happen?" is too lengthy a subject to be treated in this blog today, but the fact that one can even consider this possibility is because God loves man and allows him to have the freedom to choose to live for Him or reject Him as he wills.   God warns us ahead of time that not all will love Him and follow Him, and that in itself is a comfort.  God knows all about my sufferings, past and present, and He knows that my reaction will be to fear.

2. Not all fear is misplaced.   In the midst of tragedy, when the focus is on man's actions against other men, it is easy to focus on one's present sufferings and forget that my vision of the events is so limited, in comparison to God's.  Present trials may be scary, but it is nothing compared to the eternal condemnation coming to those who reject God.  Earthly fears may last for a time, but one day every person--the terrorist and the terrorized--will stand before God and give an account for their lives.  That day, standing in front of a holy God who will judge all sin once and for all, will be a scary time indeed.

If I live my life in view of that day, it will change my daily focus.  Instead of focusing on the sufferings produced at the hands of men, it will motivate me to pray and do everything I can to spare as many as I can from being on the receiving end of God's condemnation, which is far greater than any present sufferings others may inflict or I will endure.

3.  God's care more than supercedes our fears.  The personal attention that God gives to each part of His creation is amazing.  He cares about every facet of my life, no matter how small, even to the details of the hairs on my head and the smallest of His birds.  Jesus reminds me that my life is of so much greater value than the smallest of His creation.  "For God so loved the world..." does not mean that He died for His creation, but for the people who inhabit it:  "...that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)  If the One who made everything and sustains it, tells me that I have no reason to be afraid, then my response should be trust.  After all, God alone sees the big picture, and if He is not scared, then I have no reason to be.

This is the message that I choose to share with others today.

Life on earth may be scary at times, and there may be times when I am afraid. One day, all too soon, this life will be over, and another will begin.  Will I allow my fears of this present world, to keep me from trusting God and His Word?  Or will I let God be in control of my life, and allow Him to lead me through the scariest parts of this life, knowing that He will lead me safely home?

Fear not...and please continue to pray for those in France who must face their fears today.

(If you are reading this blog and are not sure of God's love and the promises of heaven for His children, I encourage you to read the page at the top of this blog, Home Away from Home.)  Feel free to leave a comment in the section below.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

How to Pray for Paris

"Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:38)

Good morning, dear friends,

As I am sure many of you have been made aware, Friday night/Saturday morning was a tragic time for our adopted country.

I watched the first half of the France-Germany soccer game with my family, and called it quits.  I went to bed and woke up the next morning to a flurry of emails and worried messages from friends and family members on Facebook.  "Are you okay?  I know you're okay, but please let us know you are okay."

(By the way, we ARE okay.  Paris is about an hour south of us by train.  I know we will be affected in the days to come by the different security measures that will be in place as France goes into lockdown, but our area is mostly unaffected by the violence that rocked the capital.  We have many friends much closer to the center of Paris and Saint Denis, who were personally affected by Friday's events.)

I knew after reading these messages, that something awful had happened, that would change my perspective on my country today.  I had no idea how quickly the events of Friday night would travel the globe.

The outpouring has been overwhelming, to say the least.  Social media has intervened in an unprecedented way, calling out to the world to show their support.  Red, white and blue photos have changed the colors of Facebook, at least for a time.

I am amazed at how quickly folks picked up a cause.  "Pray for Paris" instantly became a post, a tweet, a slogan on the football field and the rallying cry for folks who have a desire to feel closer to this event in any way possible.

While I am thankful for anyone who becomes involved in prayer for the needs of France, the French have an expression, "Pourvu que cela continue..."  Roughly translated, it means, "Let's hope this lasts."

How can you pray for Paris?

1.  Pray for the labourers here.  Paris has roughly 2.3 million people living in the city itself, with an additional 8 million people living in the attached suburbs.  There are churches reaching out to the needs of this incredible population, but the handful of assemblies in no way matches the great need of the capital.  Paris, known to many as the "city of lights," lives its day-to-day in great spiritual darkness.  The need for workers in France has never been greater.  The population of France's workers is aging as well, and the next generation of leaders is greatly lacking.  "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest." (Matthew 9:38)  As my husband has often mentioned from the pulpit, the first step in praying for labourers is to be willing to go, as well.

2.  Pray for the believers here.  Many believers in France are first-generation Christians, or Christians who do not have the depth of resources that are available to believers in countries like the US.  Tragedies like this could make even the most mature Christians reel in the face of such senseless violence.  The temptation is great to fall back into familiar thought patterns and questions, some even to the point of questioning God and His unfailing love.  Pray for God's church here to be strengthened in their faith, and to put their trust in God's Word and not man's reasoning.

3.  Pray for the troubled souls.  Because of the lack of spiritual ressources in a country like France, there is very little positive support structure for people who are hurting.  In the vacuum of spiritual guidance, many will turn to psychiatric help, or wordly counselors whose only recourse is in medication and spa-like treatments for nervous breakdowns.  In the absence of real help, many people turn to the government to solve their problems, to help them feel "safe" and to quiet their fears.  The need has never been greater for people to share God's Word  for those who are hurting.

4.  Pray for a nation divided.  France has a very large Muslim population, about 5 million adherents living within its borders.  Any time there is a large attack committed by Muslim terrorists, the backlash against the Muslim population living within its borders is great.  Pray for the Christians living in France to share Christ's love toward all His creation, and not be influenced by the media frenzy toward our Arab population.  In addition, violence begets violence.  Muslim youth, already discontented in many ways, seek to show their support and sympathy by acting out in violent ways, which continues the cycle.  Please pray for the gospel of Christ to shine forth to the people most affected by this tragedy.

It is easy to change a Facebook status, or a cover photo.  It is easy to post a snapshot of you and your loved ones on a vacation at the Eifel Tower.  It is easy to stand with others, when everyone is doing the same thing.

(Remember Charlie?  Probably not, but in January 2015, a shooting in Paris claimed the lives of 20 men and women, including the shooters whose lives were also snuffed out in an instant.  The media response was instantaneous, but now all but forgotten.)

How quickly we forget, the moment the impending crisis is over, to pray for those whose lives have been forever changed in such a short time.  Please keep the country of France in your prayers.

Even after your FB status has changed back, the ministry will still continue here.

Will you continue your ministry of prayer, even after the hype has died down?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Making a List, Checking it...often

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy," Philippians 1:3-4

Good morning, dear friends,
Photo: geralt pixabay

I am a recovering, "to-do" list maker.

There was a time when my brain functioned like a normal person's (although some would probably argue that my brain has NEVER been normal.)  Getting up early in the morning, I would think about my day, and then write a list of things to do, goals to achieve, and things to buy.  I would plan out menus for the week, or the month, and write a list.  (There were times when the lists actually made it to the store with me.)

The same is true of my prayer lists.  I would write out lists of people for whom I am praying, and then pray through the list.  The lists have gotten increasingly longer over the years, as people have come in and out of my life, and my "circles of friends" have included missionary families and friends all over the world.  As the lists get longer and longer, I realize that I can't make it through the lists all at one shot.  I break down the lists, and then try to be faithful in praying by categories, or by needs, or something to make the lists more manageable.  It becomes a daunting task.

Perhaps I am not alone with this.  It seems to be an impossible task to pray faithfully for the 200+ names and requests that end up on my lists.

One of my desires recently has been to find a different way to pray more effectively for the people closest to me.  I know that God desires that I lift others up in prayer, but I just didn't seem to be getting it done in a way that is pleasing to Him.

So, I decided to abandon the list.

Now, before you start throwing things at me, and labelling me a heathen, let me explain.

My prayer list has serious flaws.  One, my list is impersonal.  Just name upon name, hundreds of them, to the point where even if I spent one minute praying for each name on the list, I wouldn't make it to the end in a day's time.

Two, my motivations had changed.  I had become obsessed with the list.  I had to pray through the list, or I would feel guilty.  What if I neglected to pray for someone that day, only to find out later that they really "needed" to be prayed for that day?

(It's silly, I know, but that's how my brain works.)

So, instead of getting frustrated with the list and the way I was going through it, I decided to take a look at my motivations:  Why do I have the list in the first place?  Is it so I can check through the list, and say that I have prayed for everyone on there?  Do I feel if I don't pray for people every day, that I am "letting them down?"

Or do I really desire that the Lord meet the needs of my friends and family members, as well as the people to whom I minister here?

A short passage in Philippians 1 caught my eye as I was wondering how I could be more effective in praying for my loved ones.  Here are the verses that caught my attention:

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, for your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now: being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:3-5) 

1.  My time of prayer for others should be anything but routine.  Instead of just being another "task" on my agenda as a "Spirit-filled" Christian, I need to remember the reason why I pray in the first place.  There is just something spontaneous about praying with thankfulness and joy.  It cannot be confined to a mere list.  There should be a conscious effort on my part, as I lift others up in prayer, to consider the needs and joys of others, and ask God to intervene in their lives.  Once I lose sight of that, my praying for others is not as effective as it should be.

2.  My time of prayer should be Spirit-led.  Makes sense, right?  I have no idea what people are going through at any given time on any given day, but the Lord does!  As I start my day with Him, God brings people on my mind ("upon every remembrance of you") and then I pray specifically for those people He lays on my heart at that specific time.  There are names that are always on my heart--my husband, my children, and my closest family members and friends--and then there are others that I feel especially "burdened" to pray for at a given time. Other times, as I am glancing through my list of names, some will literally "jump out" of the page for me, and I pray specifically for those folks.  Then, as I leave my list and start my day, I think about loved ones near and far, and I enter into a conversation with God for the needs of others.

3.  There is no expiration date on my prayers.  This is a sentence that caught my eye in a devotional book on prayer that I read recently, something for which I never really thought about before.  I had trapped myself in the guilt that if I did not pray for everyone, everyday, that I was letting others down.  In short, I forgot that God was the one who was doing the blessing, the healing, the encouraging, the strengthening.  This passage in Philippians reminded me that God is the one "which hath begun a good work," and He "will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."  The prayers I pray today, and yesterday, and tomorrow, are just as real and valid in God's eyes.  There is no time limit to one who is eternal.

I still have my list.  It probably needs to be rewritten, but it definitely needs to be rethought.  I have made some changes to my prayer time, as well.  I write down my lists, AFTER I have prayed.  I try to keep paper nearby as I work through the day, and as things come to mind, I jot them down.  Then, I can look back through the lists and see how the Lord is answering the prayers.

I would love your feedback on your prayer time, if you journal, if you "list" and ways that you have stayed encouraged in prayer for others.  Feel free to leave a comment below!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Quench not...

"Quench not the Spirit..." I Thessalonians 5:19

Good morning, dear friends,
Photo:  stones pixabay

I shared a fun memory with a dear friend the other day, one that still brings a smile to my face.  It was a Thanksgiving several years ago, and my friend's family had planned a bonfire for the singles ministry they were involved in.  Well, to make a long story short, the planned bonfire never happened, and so they were the proud owners of a large pile of brush and dead branches, and no bonfire.  So, we decided to go ahead and burn the pile as a "family bonfire."

Cue the creepy music.

I guess the bonfire pile was bigger than we thought.  OK, a lot bigger.  As we were watching this huge fire burn in the middle of the field, we were wondering how long it would burn, and more importantly, how long it was going to take to put it out.

Our neighbors must have been wondering the same thing, because a little while later the fire department showed up, and ended our harvest revellings with a well-aimed blast of water and a stern warning from the firefighters on duty.

OK, it may not have been AS funny at the time, but it has become a funny "family" memory..."Do you remember the time..."

As I was remembering this story with a friend of mine, I was reminded of this verse in I Thessalonians 5:19:  "Quench not the Spirit..." I have a very vivid imagination, and since my first times of reading this Bible verse, I have imagined pretty much the same scene as the firemen who visited our bonfire.  What started as a "healthy fire" ended up a smoldering wasteland, no longer giving off fervent light and radiating heat.

So it is, when I allow sin to enter and reign in my life.  The Holy Spirit residing in me wants to take over, and fill my every action, thought and attitude with God's best for me.  He wants to guide me in a close fellowship with the Lord.  When I allow sinful thoughts and attitudes in my life, it "extinguishes" (the litteral meaning of "quench" in this verse), and my effectiveness for the Lord to work in and through me is put out, as well.

This verse helps me to remember to ask forgiveness for my sins, another key element that if I am not careful will lack in my prayer life.  It is easy to remember to pray and ask forgiveness for "big sins," like lying or anger or jealousy, that I overlook laziness, pride and procrastination.  I remember to be kind to my neighbor, but not always to my husband and children.

Ouch.  When I do these things, I am limiting the Holy Spirit's effectiveness in my life.  How can I expect to live a godly life, if I allow sin to take over my day-to-day living?  How can I expect to hear His voice, when I allow sin to shout out boldly and freely in my own life?

May God help me to remember to allow His light to stay unimpeded in my life, by confessing sin and staying far from temptation.

How much more effective and brighter will my light shine for Him.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Ten Things...

"As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country." Proverbs 25:25

Good morning, afternoon and evening, dear friends!
Photo: kurious pixabay

Today I am participating again in another blog hop with my friends from Baptist Missionary Women.  (If you've never checked out their blog, follow the link on the sidebar--there are so many wonderful articles about life on the mission field.)

Our assignment today was to write about ten things that I wish people knew about my field.  After being here in France for almost 16 years now, I am always surprised at people's reactions when I mention that we are ministering in France.  Many people are surprised:  don't the French people already believe in God?  Shouldn't our family be investing in a third-world country, where the need is "greater" and people are more open to the gospel?  In response to those questions (and many others) my prayer is that, after reading this blog, you will have a better understanding of what it's like to minister in an western European country.


1.  French people are NOT rude.  At least, not any more rude than they are in other countries.  I think (unforturnately) this misconception comes from too many American tourist encounters with harangued Parisians after being asked for directions to the Eifel Tower in over-exaggerated English.  (See that pointy thing over there?  Keep walking--you'll find it.) Knowing the language, or at least attempting the language, goes a long way toward endearing yourself to a French person.  Maybe this misconception begets more rudeness on our part, which makes for a vicious circle?  Just a thought.  Which brings me to number 2:

2.  French people are usually more reserved than the average American, hence the thought that many French people are snobs.  They're not.  They just don't spill their life story to you on their first visit.  Or their second or third or fourth visit, for that matter.  It takes time to build up trust and relationships with folks here.  They are comfortable with silence (not necessarily a bad trait, either, and one I am still learning.)  When someone invites you over for coffee, you know that you are well on your way to making a new friend.

3.  Contrary to published statistics, Roman Catholicism is not the largest religion in France.  The number one religion in France is apathy.  Being Catholic for many people is synonymous with being French, but many people do not hold to the Catholic beliefs, or even know WHAT they believe.  My husband and I have had many conversation with "Catholic atheists," folks who tell us they are Catholic but don't believe in God.

4.  The second largest belief in France is Islam, and the fastest growing, not from conversions but from an influx of Muslim immigrants.  (Southern France is only an hour by plane from northern Africa, where a lot of French-speaking Muslims live.)  There is a lot of hostility toward Muslims in France, and that makes for some tricky living and working situations as well.

5.  We have McDonalds in France!  Woo hoo!  Also KFC, Subway, Pizza Hut and Burger King!  For many folks, having McDonald's in a country is the same thing as having the same beliefs and values as America.  Just because France has American products or services does not make it American.  The French are still the French--it just means that they enjoy a hamburger every now and again.  (Just FYI--one meal in McDonalds for our family of 5 can cost close to $45, so eating out is a definite treat for us.)

6.  When you live in the north of France, and travel to the south of France, Paris just becomes another obstacle to get around.  Many friends have told us several times how blessed we are to live so close to Paris. We are--until it's time to travel anywhere.  When my husband's brother lived south of Paris (a 2.5 hour trip by GPS), it has taken us anywhere from 3 hours to 6.5 hours to make the same trip.  So, the next time we mention that we "get" to travel to Paris or near Paris, pray for us.  We are not wandering down the Champs-Elysées in search of chocolate croissants.  We are doing spiritual warfare--in the car.

7.  I don't think I will EVER be fluent in French.  Speaking and understanding a language is one thing, but being able to master the pitfalls of gender, subjunctive tenses, and colloquial expressions...well, there is always something to mess up.  Yes, I do dream in French, but even then I am sure that I make mistakes.  Many mistakes.  And the French folks are particular about their language, as well they should be.  It is (in my humble opinion) one of the most beautiful languages in the world, when spoken correctly.

8.  French food is out of this world good!  Everything you have heard about French cuisine is true!  One of the things I appreciate about living here is that a meal is more than shoving food down my throats: it is a beautiful, lengthy sharing time.  You just have to have stamina:  a meal can go on for three hours or more! Don't even get me started on French breads, cheeses, pastries and coffee.  Moving on, before I have to go get something to snack on...

9.  France is a beautiful country as well.  We have it all--beautiful cities, mountains, beaches, lakes, rivers, and villages.  If you ever plan a trip to France, I always encourage people to stay outside of Paris.  There are so many beautiful things to visit OUTSIDE of the Eiffel Tower and the Mona Lisa, which in comparison to many paintings in the Louvre is the size of a postage stamp.  Seriously--come to Picardy and enjoy the rolling farmland and see our cathedral in Amiens, which is my humble opinion is much nicer than Notre Dame de Paris. You can visit us as well!

10.  France is still a needy country.  The ministry in France is hard, no question.  Folks do not like to open up about their beliefs, and are very shy when it comes to talking about themselves.  To turn to God is to admit that their families' Catholic beliefs--which have been engrained for centuries--is not enough to get them to heaven.  There are so many obstacles toward genuine faith, and fruit is little compared to the efforts and time put out.  Is it worth it?  Definitely.  And the need far outweighs the workers here--maybe you will come and join us in the ministry God has called us to as well.

Thanks for stopping by!  See you for our next blog hop!

To read, the next blog, click here:  Rebecca in West Africa Becca's Point of View

Thursday, October 29, 2015

In Everything, give...

"In every thing, give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you." I Thessalonians 5:18

Good morning, dear friends,
Photo: nonobobo pixabay

These last few days have been a much needed pause in what has turned out to be the craziest start to the school year yet.  Our kids are enjoying a few days of fall break, and my husband and I are enjoying at least a temporary pause in our normally busy schedule of work, ministry, chauffering and homework duty.

Who says that vacation is only for the kids?

I think my brain just gets tired sometimes.  My children will come to me with a seemingly simple request, and I will stare at them blankly.  "What's for snack?" "Can we play outside?" "What's for lunch?" "Can we have...?" "What's for dinner?"

(Yes, most of their requests are about food, especially my 12-year-old-Timothy.  Teenager-in-training.)

I think I am all requested-out.  Even simple decisions require mental gymnastics on my part.  Can't I just be the child for a moment, shrug my shoulders, and grunt, "Idunno?"

I'm so glad that God is not this way with His children.

It was on one of these occasions a few days ago, that I had to stop myself from lashing out at my kids.  Am I  not more than a source of food for them?  Is it only when they need things, that they come and "pester" me?  Don't they realize that I would love to have a conversation with them, that did not start with the famous, "Mommy can I...?"

And then, I realized that I was doing the same thing with God.

God cares about my burdens.  He cares about meeting my needs.  He cares about my desire for His help, His wisdom, His strength.  He loves meeting all those things, but I think He desires so much more.

Just like I crave real, meaningful conversation with my kids, I think God longs for real, meaningful communication with His children.

How sad is my relationship with the Lord, when it becomes so very one-sided.  My prayers were missing out on another key ingredient:  thankfulness.

In meaningful conversation, there is exchange.  One person talks, one person listens.  Thinks.  Feels.  Then, there is exchange.  The other person talks, and then listens, feels, and then responds.  There is real frustration when only one party talks, asks, and then ignores the other person.

Thankfulness keeps me on the listening side.  It balances out my requesting and talking with God.  I talk to Him, and humbly ask for my needs.  Then, I listen to Him in my Bible reading, in my daily living.  I learn to watch for His goodness in my day.  It is my way of listening to Him.  Then, when the answers to prayer become plain to my eyes, I thank Him for meeting this request.  Then, there is meaningful conversation with Him.

And then, I spend my day looking for things in which to be thankful.  Thankfulness begets thankfulness. The more I see God at work in and through me, the more things I find in which I can be thankful.  No wonder that God reminds me in I Thessalonians 5:18..." for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you..." I cannot choose my circumstances or how others treat me, but I can choose my attitude.

This is the work in progress in my life:  that God will cultivate an attitude of thankfulness toward Him in my day-to-day living.  How much stronger my faith in Him would be, if I would recognize His loving hand in every area of my life.

On that note, I know that Thanksgiving month is just around the corner.  I have created a Bible memory schedule for the month of November, 30 verses about Thanks-living.  If you do not have a memory plan for November, let me challenge you to memorize and meditate on God's goodness to us. (There is also room to add a fitness challenge in each square, if you are so inclined, and a day of fasting.)

Happy Thanks-living in advance!


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Into the Woods

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Good morning, dear friends,

It's fall, y'all!

I'm so thankful that God called me to a country with SEASONS.  There may be times when I wish for 70 degree weather year round, but I am so glad that here in Amiens, we have winter (cold rain), spring (warmer rain with flowers), summer (rain with some dazzling days thrown in), and fall (beautiful days like yesterday, with cooling rains.)

Yes, it does rain quite a bit here, but never for very long, and not usually for days on end.  It's just an ongoing joke where we live:  If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes.

Yesterday was one of those dazzling fall days that had me itching to the woods.  In our village, there are two large forests that have walking trails, near the horseback riding school and stables.  (There were even horses out on the trail yesterday.)  I enjoyed our family trip so much, I just wanted to share some of these moments with you.

My family knows my obsession with LEAVES!  I can't bear to pass by a pile of freshly blown leaves, and crunch my feet through them!  I think growing up in southeast Virginia and living on five-acres of forestland did me in as a kid.  Now, whenever the weather turns cooler, I beg to get OUT into the woods, and stomp, scuff, and drag my feet through piles of leaves.

By the way, the boot picture is for a friend of mine, who shares my love for fall boots...practical and stylish, even with skirts!

My favorite fall walking friends have to be my family (minus Juliana, who was away playing ping pong for the day.)  I'm so thankful for a family who loves to walk, and be outdoors.  The hardest part?  Getting my explorer boys to stay on the path!

I don't know if you noticed or not, but I mentioned WALKING!  I was able to walk the entire time, barely limping at the end of our time because of the uphill/downhill and uneven ground of the trail.  I'm very thankful that the treatments for my knee have started to have their effects!  Just a couple of months ago, I wondered if I would be able to enjoy jaunts like this again without surgery!  Thankful also for the patience of my family (especially my hubby) during this recovery time.

Hope you enjoyed this traipse through the woods with us.  I needed to be reminded of God's love and care in every season of life, and the beauty of His creation.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Pray without...

"Pray without ceasing." I Thessalonians 5:17

Good morning, dear friends!
Photo: alexas photos pixabay

One of the most used appliances in my kitchen, especially this time of year, is my Crock Pot.

I must confess, that it took me a while to get to this place, but now that I have discovered the joys of "fix it and leave it," I wonder why it took me so long.  My favorites?  Homemade apple cider, and chili.  I can't think of too many more dishes that spell "fall" to me, than those, simmering low on a brisk day, waiting for the first taste test.  YUM.

Most of all, I enjoy the convenience of the Crock Pot. My Crock Pot has freed me to be able to visit with folks all morning, and come home to a delicious meal. My Crock Pot has fed the masses (or, at least the Bible Institute where my husband ministers.) It is my go-to for busy days, or relaxing days, or days where I have to be gone at lunchtime, but my family is at home.  No matter what I am personally involved in, my Crock Pot does its job when I am at my busiest, and later on, I, my whole family and the people around me, can reap its benefits.

As I was re-evaluating the important aspects of my prayer life, I revisited many familiar verses on prayer.  The verse quoted at the top of this blog has always inspired me, and been just a little bit daunting at the same time.  One book on prayer that I finished recently, asked the same question that I have pondered many times after reading this verse:

Is it really possible to pray without ceasing?

There are very few things that I do all day long, although sometimes housework feels unending.  (Didn't I just wash this?  How did this laundry basket get filled up again--wasn't it empty five minutes ago?)

Things that I do all day, every day, never ceasing?

Breathing.  My heart beating.  Thinking.


That one's a little harder.

One morning as I was preparing a Crock Pot meal, my mind was wandering, and I thought about this passage.  And the Lord showed me some similarities between the two.

When I got up that morning, knowing I was going to be gone that day, I started with a specific plan.  I had to get the food ready.  So, even though Crock-Pots do the cooking, I still have to prepare the food.  (Last time I checked, the ingredients don't just jump in there on their own. So much for the theory of evolution.)  If I want to eat the food, I have to do the preparing.  Many times, I prepare the food early in the morning, so that it will have the chance to be ready when we are ready to eat.

One of the biggest challenges for me in starting off with a "pray without ceasing" mentality for the day, is that I don't start off my morning right.  I don't take the time to prepare my heart with time spent with the Lord.  I flutter about, doing useful things, but not the best thing.  If I don't take the time to give my day to the Lord, how can I expect Him to bless it?  I need to confess sin, read His Word, and pray for myself and for others.  If I take the time to prepare, my best efforts will be HIS best efforts. Without Him, I can do nothing.

I can turn on the Crock Pot, but if nothing is in it, then I won't be eating anything later.

Once the Crock Pot is prepared, then comes my favorite part:  the simmering, the slow cooking, that turns a tough piece of meat into a roast that is fall-apart tender.  The longer something cooks in the Crock Pot, the more time the flavors develop, the meat breaks down, the juices flow, and the taste is improved.  The meal cooks all day (or several hours) without me thinking about it.  And the longer it goes, usually the better off are the results.

I want my prayer life to be like that.  "Pray without ceasing" should be for me like turning on the Crock Pot.  My day becomes a continuous conversation with God.

OK, I have a confession to make:  I talk to myself.  All the time. I can't tell you the number of times that I have berated myself, laughed at myself, and most importantly, encouraged myself, in a one-sided conversation, that was not meant for another's ears (although my children and husband laugh at my outbursts constantly.)

What about this:  if instead of carrying on a running monologue, I set myself up for an exchange with God, all day long?

What if, instead of meaningless outbursts on my part, toward myself, I spent my day with God?  Praising Him spontaneously?  Asking for His help and wisdom as I worked, with every task?  Opening my mouth to bless others?  Humbling myself to His instruction?  Meditating His Word?

What a difference that would make in my life, and the others around me. Then, when my husband and children laugh at me for talking to myself, I can say, "Nope, talking to God."

Like a meal that has spent all day in the Crock Pot, how much richer my "spiritual flavor" would be.  How much more "tender" my heart would be to the Lord.  How much more a blessing I would be to others, if I spent my days meditating on God and His goodness to me.

May God help me today and all my days, to spend them in constant conversation with Him....