Sunday, June 7, 2015


"Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful." I Corinthians 4:2

Good morning, dear friends!
Photo: mojzagrebinfo pixabay

If you are like me, you have a section in your closet that is entitled, "Wishful Thinking."  Or maybe you call it, "In my dreams."

You know the part that I am talking about.

First, these clothes started off a little snug, the result of holiday eating or new baby.  Then, over time, these same clothes became sausage casings.  And even though you know that they no longer fit, you have a hard time getting rid of them.  Perhaps they are clothes that hold memories, or perhaps they are just too pretty to discard, or perhaps, like me, you think, "I really like this, and maybe someday I'll be able to fit into it again..."

And there the clothing sits, in the bottom of a drawer, or in the back of the closet, forgotten but never really from view, a subtle reminder of the someday, that seems to never come.

Well, this morning, someday came...

I was getting dressed for church this morning.  My daughter had asked me to wear a certain blouse that she has similar to mine, and I was looking for a skirt to go with it.  I had worn straight black or blue skirts until I was black and blue in the face, and was looking for something interesting to go with this blouse.

My eyes strayed to the back of the closet.  I spied a skirt that I had picked up at a yard sale a few years ago, in one of my "this year, I'm going to lose weight" moments, and had never actually worn.  It was a skirt that was two sizes too small for me at the time, and since modest skirts are hard to come by here in France, I had hung it in the back of my closet, just in case.  Maybe I could use the sewing machine, and transform it into a skirt for my daughter, Juliana.

I reached for it on the hanger.  I had been making efforts to lose weight this year, and this was the first time I was trying to dress way down out of my size range.  Would it fit?

I slipped it up over my hips, reached for the zipper...and it fit!  No straining, no bulging, no gasping for breath or doing the "tight clothes" wiggle.  (Why do we women do that anyway?  Go figure.)

Can I just say, Woo hoo!

There is just something so very encouraging about seeing results for the efforts we put out, isn't there?

One of the most difficult aspects about being a missionary, especially in a "difficult" field like France (although there really are no easy fields, are there?) is learning to stay encouraged in the work, even when visible results are few.  People are apathetic to the gospel.  They do not want to talk about God, the Bible, or anything that remotely ressembles uncomfortable topics.  Having people recognize the needs that there, for which they have no answers, but refuse to accept the answers that come from God and His Word, is disheartening to say the least.

What do I do, as the sinner saved by grace that wants to point others to the same saving grace?  Talk, and pray, and keep going.  Perhaps the next person will be more willing to listen.  Perhaps, the next occasion that is given to me, whether with the same person, or a different one, will be more a more receptive one.

As a human, it is a normal reaction to want to see results for the labours put out.  But when the visible results are not there, how do I find the motivation to keep going?

Here are a few lessons that the Lord has been teaching (and reteaching me) in the ministry here in France.

1.  Results are not always me.  There are many promises in God's Word about the fruitfulness of God's Word.  One of the most familiar to me is Isaiah 55: 11: "So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper whereto I sent it." Remembering that God's Word is what accomplishes God's work is an enormous source of encouragement.  God's Word is perfect, my words are not, and God's Word WILL accomplish much in the hearts of others, even if I never see the results here on earth.

2.  My work here on earth is not to save anyone.  Many times when presenting the work here, we have mentioned that our desire is to see folks saved, establish a church, train national leaders, and move on.  That is our ministry, but I cannot do any of that.  God alone is the one who saves, and builds His church.  He will use me as His mouth, His hands, His feet, and His heart, but only He does the work in the lives of others.  My main ministry here is to be a clean, willing vessel through whom the Lord can show His love and compassion for others, and to speak His words when the time is right.  What a stress reliever this is, to know that God is the one doing the work through me.

3.  I am be faithful.  Sometimes I put needless pressure on myself to be fruitful.  While it is true that God desires to see fruit in my life (Galatians 5:22), He is the one who produces this fruit in me and in others. (John 15:1-8).  My calling is to remain faithful in the life He has given me here.  Do I want to see results?  Of course, who doesn't?  But if I do not see the results that I think I should be seeing in my life and in the lives of those around me, does that mean that I am allowed to quit, or move on?  God's Word reminds me, "Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful." (I Corinthians 4:2)  If I quit and God is not finished with me here yet, or in the life of someone around me, is that the faithfulness that pleases the Lord?

Many times, when the results do not come, that is my first instinct.  I want to quit, to move on to something easier, to find something more visually productive and "fulfilling." If I do, I may never see the results that God has waiting...just a little bit further on.  And who knows what is really happening all around me, that will only be revealed, one day in heaven?

I would be lying to say that it was not very satisfying to slip on that skirt this morning, and see visible results for my weight loss efforts.  It was very encouraging, and gave a little spring to my step. Will I remember this, when I hit the next "plateau" and have a hard time losing the next pound, or getting down to the next size?

I hope not.  Faithfulness is what is required of me, and so I need to continue on.

May God help me today, to be encouraged and to encourage others, as I wait for the results....

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