Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Holding each other up

"Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

Good morning, dear friends!

For the first time in several days, I have been able to bend my knee, without any pain!  Woo hoo!  Still haven't walked much yet without the brace, but it felt so good to be able to move my knee!  What a difference a few days makes!

I was talking on the phone last night with a co-worker here in France who is struggling with many health problems, including severe leg pain.  To say that I felt small, however, in comparing my pain to hers, is an understatement.  This dear lady lives with constant pain, that she will probably have for the rest of her life.  I knew my leg was on the mend, and soon I would be pain-free, and able to walk with relative ease.

God used this encounter yesterday to remind me, that no matter how annoying or difficult my present circumstances might be, there are always those around me whose hurts are far greater, and need my compassion and love.  I was humbled yet again that in that God in His great love cares for each and every person through the trials that He gives, no matter how big or small in our eyes they seem.

How easy is it to get nearsighted to focus only on our own problems and struggles and forget that there is an entire world of Christian brothers and sisters on whom we need to show compassion and help in their distresses!

As I read the verse in Galatians 6:2 this morning, I am reminded that the family of Christ is likened to a human body (Romans 12.)  If one part of the body hurts, the whole body hurts.  In the same way, if one part of the body is weak in strength, the rest of the body can help to carry the weaker part along.  My knee was out of commission for a few days, but that did not keep me from being able to get around this week.  The rest of my body, that was stronger, was able to bear the load for my weakened member.

How can I help carry along my brothers and sisters in Christ this week? I need to be in tune with the hurts of others around me.  Sometimes it takes time to ask the right questions, and really listen for the answers that are given. I can pray.  I can encourage. I can ask, "What can I do to help?" and then get busy.  All around me are people that need help, if I will just take the time to get involved with others' lives.

The second part of this verse in Galatians 6:2 has often come to mind, especially on the lips of those who would accuse me of not being a "very good" Christian.  Even the unbelievers realize that when I hurt, or at the very least refuse to help a brother or sister in Christ, I do not "fulfil the law of Christ." What a harmful showing to my testimony, when I refuse to help others in their times of need, or worse, judge others who find themselves in difficulties.

People are always watching.

May the Lord help me today to open my eyes to the needs of those all around me, having compassion on those who are hurting, and helping to bear up those that I can, so that the cause of Christ is not hindered today.

For all my hurting friends out there, know that I am praying for you today.

Let's hold each other up today.

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