Thursday, April 16, 2015

That next goal...

"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2

Good morning, dear friends!

For the past several months, a group of ladies and I have been completing various fitness challenges together.  These are thirty day challenges that start off fairly easy, and progress in intensity until by the end of the month, you feel like you have really accomplished something!  It has been such an encouraging and positive experience that I hope to continue with the next challenges, even though they seem to get tougher each time.  

The most daunting part of beginning each new fitness challenge is before I start.  I look ahead to the end of the month, and see the end result, and I think to myself, "No way, I'm not going to be able to get there."  Then I begin the challenge, and start training until little by little, I begin to achieve new strength, or new flexibility, and at the end of the challenge, what seemed impossible at the beginning of the month becomes achievable!  I can look back and see the rewards of my faithful training!

If this is true in the physical realm, isn't it also true in other areas of my life?

How do couples stay married for 50 + years?

How do people attend church regularly, and faithfully, for many years?

How do I stay faithful in Bible reading, or praying, or witnessing?

Ever heard the joke about eating an elephant?  One bite at a time...

I think that had I known June 27, 1987, all the twists and turns that my life would take, all the joys and trials, and realize that my decision for Christ was going to change every aspect of my life, that might have given me pause.  I would never have regretted the decision of coming to Christ--the blessings far outweigh the difficulties--but I am so glad that before I came to Him, God did not reveal all that I would now, and will one day, go through in my daily walk.  

I'm so thankful that I had only the starting line--and the finish line--in view.  

The verse at the top of this blog helps me put my Christian walk in perspective.  I should have "tunnel vision" as I complete my daily activities.  As trials come and circumstances, both blessings and burdens, come my way, I should have one objective:  becoming like Christ.  Any obstacles or trials that come my way are just that--obstacles and trials--that may slip me up or cause me to stumble along the way.  My ultimate goal is to arrive in heaven, where I shall see Christ face to face, and ressemble Him the most so that my transition will be the natural conclusion of a lifetime of service.

This verse reminds me that my walk with God begins and ends with Christ, and His finished work on the cross.  He is the Author, the Creator, the Planner, the Institutor, and the Finisher of all grace.  If I am able to stand one day before Him, it will all be because of His work on the cross.  He is in heaven with God, seated at His rightful place as King and Lord of all, and one day I will stand before Him as a beloved child, all because of His grace.

Anyone feel like shouting with me?

May I press on today, keeping my eyes fixed on Him, so that I may arrive at the finish line and not be ashamed of the way that I ran.

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