Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Patience and Perseverance

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." II Peter 3:9

Good morning, dear friends!

For several years now, we have been visiting with a dear lady in the north of Amiens.  When we first visited her, at the request of her friend living in the south of France, we had no idea how the Lord was going to use these visits.  What started out as honoring a request from another pastor, has blossomed into so much more.  
I wish that I were able to write that Renee was now actively participating in church activities, or that she had even made a decision to follow Christ in her life.  She has always been willing to listen when my husband and I talk about the Lord and His Word, without any personal investment in her part.

We are still waiting, and encouraging, and waiting for the fruit to burst forth in her life.

After many years of sharing God's message with her, it would be easy to become discouraged because of the time invested, with no visible fruit.  Throughout her different struggles with health issues and various problems, we are so thankful that we still have time to share God's truths with her.  We are also aware that at age 95, our time with her is running short.  Time is not our ally in this case, and each time we are with her, we wonder if it will be our last visit, or at the very least, the last time that we are able to talk with her about her relationship with God.

God has given us such a love for this dear lady.  What a joy it was for us to spend Easter Sunday with her, and share once again of God's great gift of love.

The verse at the top of this blog is such an encouragement to me, and such a challenge as well.  Sometimes it is so easy to get impatient with the work that God is doing in the hearts of people around us.  Each time that I wish things were moving faster here, I have to be reminded that although God has placed a love for people around me in my heart, His love is so much greater.

This is his "lost sheep," that He has been sent to seek and save. (Luke 19:10)

This is his "one," one lost sheep out of a hundred, that He leaves the ninety and nine to go find.  (Matthew 18:12)

This is his "whosoever will," that may come and drink of the living water He offers. (Revelation 22:17)

This is his "child," over whom He pleads for me not to offend. (Matthew 19:14)

God is patiently wooing and winning her heart to Him.  How can I do less than my part?  I must go, and make myself available to Him, to be His mouth, His hands, His eyes, His ears, and His arms of love.
His greatest desire for Renee is restored relationship with Him--"...not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

I am so thankful for the many people who invested in me, and consistently and earnestly pleaded God's love to me.  How can I do less for others?

May I not grow weary in well doing. May I stay the course. May I finish the race.  May I be found faithful doing the work that the Lord has called me to, until the day He calls me home.

May I not quit, until the task He has appointed for me is finished at last.

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